Free Drifter- It definitely helps to have quality cured eggs. But the biggest difference between fulltime guides & weekenders is that guides are on the river almost every day. They also usually have more rods out (at least w/ jetsleds). This enables them to "dial in" such intricacies as where fish concentrations are, what baits & cures, scent additives, lure types & colors the fish have preferences for on an on-going basis- they plan a stratedgy accordingly. Also, it may appear to some people that they are doing just what the guides are, but not catching as many fish. Well, you're probably not doing exactly the same. Most guides have spent countless days & hours over the years perfecting very subtle & intricate bait & lure presentation for a given water conditon (temp., color, flow, area, etc.). They also have an advantage using plugs because they are out there 5 to 7 days a week with several rods, so they know which ones produce & which ones to remove from the rotation- that's huge! So guides are hard working experts that deserve respect and the fees they get! And if they get you into a pile of fish that has more market value than the fees they charge, tip them. If you hit an unexpected slow bite day with one, remember that it isn't their fault & they are working just as hard or harder.-- Since retiring from guiding, the most often question I get is for egg cure methods. That is a long subject, so I will try to help out with a separate egg cure post (if I'm allowed to as others have). - Steve Hanson (a retired guide- that's all).
[This message has been edited by Backbouncer1 (edited 03-06-2000).]
[This message has been edited by Backbouncer1 (edited 03-06-2000).]